Radrennen - vertaling naar Engels
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Radrennen - vertaling naar Engels

n. bicycle racing, act or occupation of participating in a competition of bicyclists
tour de France         
  • green jersey]]
  • white jersey]]
  • stage 9]] [[individual time trial]] of the [[2012 Tour de France]]
  • 1936 Tour de France
  • Part of the crowd during most days of the Tour is [[Didi Senft]] who, in a red [[devil]] costume, has been the Tour devil since 1993.
  • [[Maurice Garin]], winner of the first Tour de France standing on the right. The man on the left is possibly [[Leon Georget]] (1903).<ref>[[Spaarnestad Photo]] image number SFA001006411</ref>
  • School book by Augustine Fouillée under the 'nom de plume' G. Bruno
  • [[Jacques Goddet]] memorial at the top of the [[Col du Tourmalet]]
  • Altitude profile of the [[Alpe d'Huez]] climb
  • mountains classification]] a record seven times.
  • Prize money in 2013 Euros in the Tour de France
  • 22px
  • Spectators' banner during the [[2006 Tour de France]]
  • A collected peloton in the [[2006 Tour de France]]
  • Start of the 2015 Tour de France in [[Utrecht]]
  • Vehicles from the 2014 Tour de France Publicity Caravan
  • general classification]] for the most days without having ever been the overall winner
Tour De France; Tour de France (cycling competition); Tour de France cycliste; Le Tour de France; Tours de France; Tour de france; TdF; Tour du France; La Grande Boucle; Le Tour; Le tour de france; Tour de France Customs; Tour de Fraud; Letour; Le tour; Tour of France; Tour de la France
n. Tour de France, berühmtes Radrennen in Frankreich abgehalten
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Radrennen
1. Das größte Radrennen der Welt fasziniert auch in seiner '4.
2. Wegen Knie–Problemen musste er die Teilnahme am bedeutendsten Radrennen der Welt absagen.
3. Schon jetzt gibt es rund um das härteste Radrennen der Welt scharfe Polizeikontrollen.
4. Das erste Doping–Todesopfer beim schwersten Radrennen der Welt gab es am 13.
5. Straßburg (dpa) – Chaos bei der Tour de France: Das traditionelle Radrennen wird morgen fast ohne Favoriten starten.